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Successful Love Stories

214 Dating Successful Matching Stories

This success story is very inspiring. This gentle male teacher has participated in many speed dates and one-on-one matches with different companies. Unfortunately, the fate did not come. After waiting for several years, he finally called us. It is so encouraging and touching to find his significant other this time...

[Single for many years] Gentle male teacher and gentle nurse

214 Dating Tips

There are many people who are hesitant. Should they participate in speed dating and one-on-one introduction? This time we will introduce the features of the service. You can learn more before participating!

One to One Match Q & A - 1

214 Dating 100%真實客戶(無做媒)聲明

由於網上有人企圖散播不實消息,指本會參加者非真實,有”做媒”, (即非真實參加者)參加本會活動等謠言.

現本會發出嚴厲聲明,由2005年成立至今,超過八萬本地會員,已建立強大會員網絡,所有參加者均經過正常途徑報名, 所有均是付費參加者。 單身人士請放心參加本會活動。

除大量舊會員一直支持本會, 新會員亦透過不同途徑得知本會而參加活動,而絕大部份活動亦經常滿額,我們亦以正常途徑控制男女比例人數,因此絕對沒有需要如坊間所指邀請非真實參加者參加活動。 如各參加者對此有疑問,歡迎向消費者委員會,海關等相關機構舉報,本會絕對歡迎配合與協助調查。


214 Dating



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